Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mark Angus - demos and lecture day

I've managed to arrange a visit from Mark Angus (who taught me at Queens Road!) on Saturday 5th April, 9.30-4.

He's going to show us how he works, what inspires him, and lots of top tips from his years as a glass artist. He'll also be giving us a slide lecture of his work. This is a really great opportunity to learn lots of new things.

It should cost between £20-30 (depending on numbers) which covers paying Mark and overtime for the porter Geoff for the afternoon - a complete snip.

Could you let me know if you're interested (those not in my class), by mailing me on, so I can get an idea of numbers?


Thursday, February 07, 2008

For sale - various glass and a grinder

If you need a grinder, there's a very clean one for sale for £35 ono. That's less than half price. I have it at college if anyone's interested.

Also, a selection of glass is available to buy. If interested, give Sue Davis a ring on 01275 849935 and she'll give you more idea of what she's got.