Monday, September 22, 2008

Devon Guild exhibition poster

Here's the details of the Devon exhibition I mentioned last week. I've yet to see it - I had the luxury of letting someone else hang it for a change. Let me know what you think if you see it before I do!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Geeks unite!

It's not that I'm saying you're a geek - and you know who you are - but here's a select few of the glass panels inspired by, well, geeky subjects! For the beginners, you could do all of these except Spiderman - but what do you expect from a super hero?

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Peter Hammond - latest masterpiece

This is the Clifton house before the installation of Peter's windows. A little bare and in need of an original Hammond, methinks.

'Ere they be on the grass, waiting to find their rightful home.

Magnificent. I like the way the pink and white strip is weaving it's way happily around the larger blue and yellow shapes. It brings music to mind. Apparently Peter's client was so happy with the result, he wants the remaining five windows done too. That's what we like to hear!