Amber Hiscott - Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester

Sally Fawkes, from On The Edge exhibition
Two fantastic glass artists, one whole day learning about their lives and work...what could be better? Amber Hiscott, one of the UKs most successful public glass artists, and Sally Fawkes, who has an international reputation for her beautifully crafted cast work will be talking about and showing their work.
Two things you need do - 1. GO! and 2. book a place first, and soon. The details are below, I've put spaces in the contact email so that Arabella won't receive any spam - you obviously need to remove them.
Members and non members of Contemporary Glass Society (CGS) welcome.
Sunday 7th June 2009 11am - 4.30pm
Creative Glass Guild, 16 Whitehouse Street, Bristol BS3 4AY
Talks from renowned artists AMBER HISCOTT (architectural glass) www.amberhiscott.com and SALLY FAWKES (cast glass) www.sallyfawkes.com showing images of their work in the morning.
Self generated workshops and discussions on relevant subjects in the afternoon: (technical surgery/ promotion + marketing / public art and commissions / exhibiting opportunities)
The day is about:
• being inspired
• meeting others of like mind or like occupation
• offering and receiving technical advice
• discovering resources in your area that you didn’t know were there.
• exploring opportunities for exhibiting work
• exploring public art opportunities
and what else YOU THINK it should include.
You do need to book a place.
Email: info @arabellamarshall .com Phone: 01803 863122
COST: £8 CGS members, £6 CGS student members
£12 non CGS members £8 non CGS student members
Bring simple lunch to share. Tea and coffee provided