Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Artisan mizmo ??!!

If you're thinking 'Artisan what?' or 'mizmo who?', then we're in the same boat... I found these photos in Flickr, and they were credited to Artisan mizmo, so I feel obliged to do the same.
The panels use very simple painted decorative techniques to great effect. If you want to add detail and pattern in addition to that which the lead itself makes, this is a really effective method.
All of the panels have had the paint applied all over - a matt - and then, when it's dry the paint has been scraped away with various implements to reveal the coloured glass beneath. Just like that wax crayon thing we used to do at school!
The red centre panel in the bottom one is red on yellow flashed glass - it's been freely etched at the top to reveal the yellow base layer.

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