Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Glass Echoes - invitation to exhibit

Glass Echoes

An opportunity to exhibit in a Bloomsbury venue at a very modest cost.

Five emerging glass artists invite nine others to join them in an exhibition at The Crypt Gallery, St Pancras Church, Euston Road, London, NW1 2BA.
The exhibition will run from Thursday 2nd August – Wednesday 8th August 2007.

Information for fellow artists

Glass Echoes is open to all up-and-coming artists working in glass or with glass as the predominant material.
The venue is a Grade 1 listed building and the Crypt is an atmospheric venue with alcoves allowing for a variety of small works and larger installations. We are looking for work that demonstrates sensitivity to this unusual, echoing space and strongly advise a visit to the Crypt – see the website for some pictures and to find out details of opening times (which vary according to current usage).
There is a £5 non-refundable application fee to cover administration costs

If you are selected
On acceptance, each exhibiting artist will pay a £60 contribution to gallery hire and modest catalogue. Wine for the private view is additional and each artist must be prepared to invigilate for one morning or afternoon during the exhibiton week.
The gallery appears in London listings, but each artist should manage their own publicity. We will supply a flyer for exhibitors to email, or print and post.
The curator will allot a space to each artist, who will typically show up to 6 pieces (depending on the size).
Work can be available for sale and there is no gallery mark-up. Artists must deal with the buyer direct.
Each artist will be responsible for their own set-up. Some lighting will be provided, but any additional display material, including plinths, must be brought in. No changes to the fabric of the building can be made – e.g. screwing in mounting units, painting walls, and so on.
A contract will be issued to all successful applicants with their letter of confirmation. This will include permission to use images of work for publicity; please make sure that you have the necessary rights to grant this permission.
The church does not cover any insurance or public liability.
Setting up: Tuesday 31st July and Wednesday 1st August 2007. Take down: Thursday 9th August 2007. Limited car parking is available at the venue. Artists must deliver by 11 am on 31st July and collect their work at the end.

Deadline & application
The deadline for Glass Echoes is Monday 16th April 2007. All applications should be submitted in the format on the Submission form electronically or by post, and are returnable only with an sae.
Selection will take place at the end of April 2007, when a selection panel consisting of the 5 organising artists and the guest curator, Angela Thwaites, will meet to view the entries. We will let you know in the week beginning 9th May whether you have been selected.
Artists should submit from 4 to 8 images of work for exhibition in digital form, up to 3 of any single piece. Selection will be based on existing work only. Proposals for new work inspired by the venue will only be considered in the light of existing work and the curator will have the final say on any works that did not form part of the original submission.
Each image should be clearly labelled with your name and a number from 1 to 8 which should correspond with your image details on the application form, e.g. johnsmith1.jpg, johnsmith2.jpg etc.
All submissions should include the following items:
1. Digital images and documentation appropriate to the work
2. Completed submission form
3. Short CV and Artist’s Statement in electronic form
4. £5 entry fee payable to Marion Hewitt
The submission form is online at You can print and post it or email it to the addresses given on the form.

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