Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Corning and big paperweights

As befitting the United States of Americal, here's The Biggest Paperweight in the Universe. All the trees and foliage were lampworked and then rolled up (technical term) in a great big blob (technical term) of glass by lots of burly blokes... It was a very beautiful thing. “Megaplanet” is a 107-pound orb with a kaleidoscope of landscapes and underwater scenes inside, and is the one thousandth paperweight in the paperweight collection at Corning. I declined to look at the other 999.

From heavy to delicate, and the wonders of lampworking... Thankfully this was in a glass case, away from my back pack.

Silvia Levenson is an Argentinian artist, who lives in Milan. The political instability she experienced plays out in her work.

Fancy an apple? These were rather enormous, very shiny and beautifully edible... for your most hated enemies only.

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